There is so much pressure on us to achieve. Career, parenting, household responsibilities, health,
education, maintaining relationships and friendships…the list goes on. Confusing and exhausting.
And when you don’t have the ‘balance’, the self-criticism is rife. It can be so overwhelming it leads
to avoidance and apathy. And so the cycle continues.
Minimalism is Intentionality
If you find yourself often sliding into a comparison-with-others and green-with-envy bubble, this post is for you…
Minimalism. Hygge. KonMari method. How do those terms instantly make you feel?
Do they conjure feelings of deprivation, guilt, sacrifice and empty promises?
Top 10 Ways to Inspire your Workspace
You have dreams to bring to life, goals to kick and essentially, it’s time to get sh#t done. The only thing is your current office space is an inspirational dead zone. Here are our top ways to create a space that will get those creative successful juices flowing fast.
The perfect antidote to touch-deprived social distancing
We can’t hug but we can write a letter
Family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”
Research shows whenever we embrace someone – anyone, even ourselves – our bodies are flooded with oxytocin, making us feel happier, more connected and less anxious.
So what a dilemma in our new-normal era of touch-deprived social distancing. Although I do think we should all be giving ourselves a pat on the back because we are getting very adept at looking for substitutions rather than dwelling on the Covid-induced problems these days.
So how else can we let ‘our people’ (and even ourselves) know they are loved, cared about and supported?
Noses are for breathing, mouths are for eating
“Shut your mouth and listen.”
How many times have you been the recipient of that remark, or god forbid you have directed it to one of your offspring?
Cringe? Well, not anymore because we are going to lay the foundations of intrigue to challenge you that ‘breathing through your nose and not your mouth’ should become your self-mantra until the action is on autopilot.
20 Ways To Inspire Your Home
Your casa can elevate a great mood or enfold you into a mojo sucking whirlpool of doldrums. A little dramatic but my point is your home can be crucial to an inspired lifestyle. We have assembled a list of twenty ideas to get your abode feeling inspired and loved up.
Can You Be Inspired?
in·spi·ra·tion (ĭn′spə-rā′shən)
a. The excitement of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity: a singer who found her inspiration in popular songs of the 1920s.
b. The condition of being so excited: sat down to write in a sudden burst of inspiration.
c. The quality of being so excited, as manifested in something: a painting full of inspiration.
2. A person or thing that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention: Gandhi has been an inspiration to political reformers for decades.
3. Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired: had an inspiration and saw a way to solve the problem.
4. Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on a human mind or soul.
5. The act of drawing in, especially the inhalation of air into the lungs.
What is it to feel inspired?
A sharp intake of breath. Your heart begins to beat a little faster. Eyes sparkle with interest and potential. Your spine straightens, and your shoulders pull back. You lean in as the inspiration gains momentum.
Set Goals & Change Your life
Goal setting is so powerful because it provides clarity, momentum and ability to focus in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve what we desire in life.
An important benefit of setting goals isn’t just achieving your goal; it’s what you do and the person you become in order to achieve your goal that’s the real benefit in life. Confidence, life satisfaction and self-care are all by products of knowing and developing actionable goals.